Friday, December 26, 2008

I can't believe how long its been since I updated this!

I'll start with Thanksgiving. We ended up spending most of the day at home by ourselves and having a quick dinner with my family. I made sugar cookies and garlic mashed potatoes. I have to say, it is one of my favorite recipes. I of course, went to dinner saying I wasn't going to eat too much - and I, of course, left stuffed!! It's so hard when there is so much good food.

The weekend of December 5-6, Geoff was in Colorado for two games. They won the first, and lost the second. During the second game, Geoff was thrown down, and hit his head. They said he had a mild concussion. He had a headache that night and a little the next day, but recovered quickly from it. He's fine now, but it did make me a little nervous.

December 13th was Geoff's birthday. It was the first year since he started college that he didn't have a final on his birthday. He did have practice though. We didn't do anything really exciting because we both had finals the next week. For his birthday I gave him a coat and some shoes - exciting, I know - but it's hard to buy things for someone who never asks for anything, or says they want anything.

The Fall semester ended a few weeks ago. We both did good in our classes. I'm especially proud of Geoff who was worried about his schedule. He actually ended up doing a lot better then he ever expected. His schedule next semester is killer, but he is so smart, I'm sure he'll do great. My finals went well, I'm just glad they are over. This break has been so nice, but its going way too fast.

This Christmas was one of the best I can remember. We decorated right after we got back from Thanksgiving dinner and watched our first Christmas movie that night. This is Geoff's favorite time of the year, and it's been so much fun to watch him be so excited. He even got up in the middle of the night and set up presents from Santa and turned the tree on for when I woke up. Christmas day is always busy for us, but I'm so thankful that our family's plans work out so we can be to just about everything.

This month has been so great -I hope everyone has had a good Christmas.